Product Development

How To Write One Page Business Plan(Business Model Canvas)?

posted by Raj Kumar Reddy December 6, 2015 0 comments

One page business plan(Business model canvas) is a revolutionary tool introduced by Alexander Osterwalder helps one to visualize, assess and change how an organization creates, delivers and captures value all on  the one page.
With high visual elements, it helps us to understand complex strategy in an easy way.

Business model Canvas contains 9 key elements.It helps us to see how different pieces fit together in your Business and the pieces that are out of place.

So here is how to write one-page business plan:

Ok, let’s define each element.

1.Customer Segments:

2.Value Proposition:


4.Customer Relationships:

5.Revenue Stream:

6.Key Resources:

7.Key Activity:

8.Key Partners:


9.Cost Structure:


To make things easier, I developed a business model for Popcorn Stall at the movie theater (they charge us a hell lot of money so they sure might have the successful Business model). 

Because Business Model Canvas is visually appealing and easy to asses and best tool to innovate.Every Entrepreneur should learn how to develop one.

Go Get your own Business model canvas. And start developing.

These are just basics but  Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers  book authored by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur contains a complete guide on how to develop different canvas and strategies for perfect business models, be sure to check that.

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